Engel & Völkers
Engel & Völkers Berlin Zehlendorf

Our Team

The team of Engel & Völkers Berlin Zehlendorf

With us, you are in competent hands right from the start. Benefit from years of expertise, with individual advice tailored to your needs. Let our team of passionate real estate agents support you with the marketing of your existing property or to find your new home.

Portrait photo of Felix Altenhoven

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Felix Altenhoven
Portrait photo of Jan Altnau

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Jan Altnau
Portrait photo of Suzan Anbeh

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Suzan Anbeh
Portrait photo of Christian Anders

Self-employed Prime Real Estate Agent

Christian Anders
Portrait photo of Marcel Anderst

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Marcel Anderst
Portrait photo of Tenvaz Arif

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Tenvaz Arif
Portrait photo of Katja Bambay-Danckwerts

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Katja Bambay-Danckwerts
Portrait photo of Manon Baumeister

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Manon Baumeister
Portrait photo of Cansu Baştürk

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Cansu Baştürk
Portrait photo of Alice Bechmann

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Alice Bechmann
Portrait photo of Dajana Behrens

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Dajana Behrens
Portrait photo of Sarah Berger

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Sarah Berger
Portrait photo of Dania Berger

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Dania Berger
Portrait photo of Jil Vivienne Berghäuser

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Jil Vivienne Berghäuser
Portrait photo of Marc Berresheim

Head of Business Operations & Growth

Marc Berresheim
Portrait photo of Martin Bloch

Head of Sales

Martin Bloch
Portrait photo of Marc Blume-Klaeber

Sales Assistant

Marc Blume-Klaeber
Portrait photo of Maximilian Blumrath

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Maximilian Blumrath
Portrait photo of Corinna Bouwer

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Corinna Bouwer
Portrait photo of Catharina Brkic

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Catharina Brkic
Portrait photo of Ralph Cremer

Head of Sales

Ralph Cremer
Portrait photo of Iskender Deveci

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Iskender Deveci
Portrait photo of Katharina Elias

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Katharina Elias
Portrait photo of Jessica Emilio

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Jessica Emilio
Portrait photo of Claus Engels

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Claus Engels
Portrait photo of Duygu Erim

Head of Sales

Duygu Erim
Portrait photo of Stephan Ernst

Independent senior real estate consultant

Stephan Ernst
Portrait photo of Simone Euhausen

Head of Sales

Simone Euhausen
Portrait photo of Fatima Fakih

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Fatima Fakih
Portrait photo of Silke Fuhrmann

Self-employed Senior Real Estate Agent

Silke Fuhrmann
Portrait photo of Gunnar Fuss

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Gunnar Fuss
Portrait photo of Paula Gegg

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Paula Gegg
Portrait photo of Corina Gernetzke

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Corina Gernetzke
Portrait photo of Gereon Gerritz

Senior Consultant

Gereon Gerritz
Portrait photo of Andreas Goetz

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Andreas Goetz
Portrait photo of Anika Grzesik

Sales Assistant

Anika Grzesik
Portrait photo of Diyar Halabi

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Diyar Halabi
Portrait photo of Sebastian Hansch

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Sebastian Hansch
Portrait photo of Jana Heilmaier

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Jana Heilmaier
Portrait photo of Matthias Heitzler

Independend Real Estate Agent

Matthias Heitzler
Portrait photo of Filip Hetzer

Dual Student

Filip Hetzer
Portrait photo of Tobias Holle

Head of Sales

Tobias Holle
Portrait photo of Adela Huremovic

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Adela Huremovic
Portrait photo of Eefje Huysmann

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Eefje Huysmann
Portrait photo of Andreas Hägelen

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Andreas Hägelen
Portrait photo of Maxim Hüttenbrink

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Maxim Hüttenbrink
Portrait photo of Enzo Ilgar


Enzo Ilgar
Portrait photo of Dieter Jaeckel

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Dieter Jaeckel
Portrait photo of Tom Jarling

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Tom Jarling
Portrait photo of Frank Johannes

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Frank Johannes
Portrait photo of Maksim Jovanovic

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Maksim Jovanovic
Portrait photo of Jenifer Justus

Office Manager

Jenifer Justus
Portrait photo of Evamaria Jyss-Scharlach

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Evamaria Jyss-Scharlach
Portrait photo of Jürgen Kalsbach

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Jürgen Kalsbach
Portrait photo of Yuliia Kamyshna

Sales Assistant

Yuliia Kamyshna
Portrait photo of Begün Karapinar

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Begün Karapinar
Portrait photo of Marcel Kaskeline

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Marcel Kaskeline
Portrait photo of Kristina Khieschman

Sales Assistant

Kristina Khieschman
Portrait photo of Marcel Kleindienst

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Marcel Kleindienst
Portrait photo of Nora Kober

Sales Assistant

Nora Kober
Portrait photo of Anna Kobzeva

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Anna Kobzeva
Portrait photo of Till Kolig

Dual Student

Till Kolig
Portrait photo of Jolanta Kraft

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Jolanta Kraft
Portrait photo of Raik Krause

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Raik Krause
Portrait photo of Sabine Kruse

Self-employed Senior Real Estate Agent

Sabine Kruse
Portrait photo of Marco Könemund

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Marco Könemund
Portrait photo of Regine König

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Regine König
Portrait photo of Daniela Laass

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Daniela Laass
Portrait photo of Andreas Lanwehr

Self-employed Senior Real Estate Agent

Andreas Lanwehr
Portrait photo of Man Kit Lee

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Man Kit Lee
Portrait photo of Jacques Leroy

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Jacques Leroy
Portrait photo of Caroline Lindner-Endres

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Caroline Lindner-Endres
Portrait photo of Martin Lobodda

Head of Rental

Martin Lobodda
Portrait photo of Anna Lokatarova

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Anna Lokatarova
Portrait photo of Jemil Lougui

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Jemil Lougui
Portrait photo of Anke Mainka

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Anke Mainka
Portrait photo of Sabina McGrew

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Sabina McGrew
Portrait photo of Kian Mehmandoost

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Kian Mehmandoost
Portrait photo of Volker Migge

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Volker Migge
Portrait photo of Atbin Milani

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Atbin Milani
Portrait photo of Sascha Mülhausen

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Sascha Mülhausen
Portrait photo of Paul Müller

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Paul Müller
Portrait photo of Claudia Müller

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Claudia Müller
Portrait photo of Debora Naue


Debora Naue
Portrait photo of Andreas Nietschmann

Sales Assistant

Andreas Nietschmann
Portrait photo of Marc Petsch

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Marc Petsch
Portrait photo of Christina Poredda Tunjic

Real Estate Agent

Christina Poredda Tunjic
Portrait photo of Leya Rakhamimova

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Leya Rakhamimova
Portrait photo of Darleen Rattunde

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Darleen Rattunde
Portrait photo of Sven Reichelt

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Sven Reichelt
Portrait photo of Christin Reiner

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Christin Reiner
Portrait photo of Alexander Riecke

Self-employed Senior Real Estate Agent

Alexander Riecke
Portrait photo of Cornelia Rink

Sales Assistant

Cornelia Rink
Portrait photo of Lea Rojtenberg

Real Estate Agent

Lea Rojtenberg
Portrait photo of Susanne Rosenthal

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Susanne Rosenthal
Portrait photo of Michael Rödig

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Michael Rödig
Portrait photo of Dirk Schetelich

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Dirk Schetelich
Portrait photo of Gabriele Schmülling

Head of Training

Gabriele Schmülling
Portrait photo of Nico Schneider

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Nico Schneider
Portrait photo of Jan Schneider-Rothhaar

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Jan Schneider-Rothhaar
Portrait photo of Susanne Schröder

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Susanne Schröder
Portrait photo of Justyna Schuemann

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Justyna Schuemann
Portrait photo of Jan Luca Schulte

Real Estate Agent

Jan Luca Schulte
Portrait photo of Carina Schuster

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Carina Schuster
Portrait photo of Henry Schwertle


Henry Schwertle
Portrait photo of Eric Schönert

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Eric Schönert
Portrait photo of Timo Seibert

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Timo Seibert
Portrait photo of Nicolaus Seidel

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Nicolaus Seidel
Portrait photo of Robert Sidor

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Robert Sidor
Portrait photo of Emma Siebert

Dual Student

Emma Siebert
Portrait photo of Janik Simon

Working Student

Janik Simon
Portrait photo of Anja Spindler

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Anja Spindler
Portrait photo of Christine Splinter

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Christine Splinter
Portrait photo of Michael Stein

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Michael Stein
Portrait photo of Alissa Steinmüller

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Alissa Steinmüller
Portrait photo of Anna-Katharina Stoll

Private Office Advisor & Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Anna-Katharina Stoll
Portrait photo of Melanie Stowasser

Self-employed Senior Real Estate Agent

Melanie Stowasser
Portrait photo of Miles Struck

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Miles Struck
Portrait photo of Magnus Strümpfel

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Magnus Strümpfel
Portrait photo of Lucia Strümpfel

Dual Student

Lucia Strümpfel
Portrait photo of Sarah Swank

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Sarah Swank
Portrait photo of Ilhami Terzi

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Ilhami Terzi
Portrait photo of Lilian Thoma

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Lilian Thoma
Portrait photo of Michael Tismer

Real Estate Agent

Michael Tismer
Portrait photo of Karolina Tloczynska

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Karolina Tloczynska
Portrait photo of Finola Trad

Office Manager

Finola Trad
Portrait photo of Janina Unger

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Janina Unger
Portrait photo of Pia Vogel

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Pia Vogel
Portrait photo of Ruth Volhard

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Ruth Volhard
Portrait photo of Lisa-Marie Vorpagel

Real Estate Agent

Lisa-Marie Vorpagel
Portrait photo of Anatol Well

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Anatol Well
Portrait photo of Anja Wenner

Sales Assistant

Anja Wenner
Portrait photo of Alina Wiederstein

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Alina Wiederstein
Portrait photo of Chantal Wille

Office Manager

Chantal Wille
Portrait photo of Léticia Winkler

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Léticia Winkler
Portrait photo of Luiz-Leon Wippermann

Self-employed Real Estate Agent (Immobilienkaufmann IHK)

Luiz-Leon Wippermann
Portrait photo of Kimberly Wirt

Head of Sales

Kimberly Wirt
Portrait photo of Olaya Zarzosa

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Olaya Zarzosa
Portrait photo of Heinz Ziemann

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Heinz Ziemann
Portrait photo of Kathleen von Alvensleben

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Kathleen von Alvensleben
Portrait photo of Franziska von Dippel

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Franziska von Dippel
Portrait photo of Johannes von Matuschka

Director Sales

Johannes von Matuschka
Portrait photo of Nadine von Volkmann

Self-employed Real Estate Agent

Nadine von Volkmann


Engel & Völkers Berlin Zehlendorf

Engel & Völkers Berlin Zehlendorf

Hohenzollerndamm 114

14199 Berlin


+49 30 897 309 00
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