Engel & Völkers
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Buyer Guide

Second home: How to secure a substantial return on investment

If you are considering making an investment and buying a second home, your decision depends mainly on one factor: the potential profit. Contrary to economist and politician John Stuart Mill's assertion that 'owners get rich in their sleep', it takes hard work and a good deal of advice to find the ideal property. But if you succeed, you will be rewarded with a significant return on investment.

What you need to know about rent deposits

Moving into a new rental apartment is usually a time that involves a lot of effort on the part of the tenant due to the moving process and often also a certain degree of uncertainty about the new living circumstances. The landlord also hopes to have made a good choice as regards his new tenant. To pave the way for a pleasant tenancy for both parties, it is important to recognise the respective rights and obligations and to lay them down in the rental contract.

Seller Guide

What aspects should be considered when selling a house?

Real estate is often the largest possession we have. Therefore, when it comes to selling the house we live in or a flat we own, it is virtually impossible not to consider memories that bind us to them. The decision to sell one's home is therefore complex, can often give rise to doubts and certainly has a whole series of issues to deal with. So what are the aspects to consider when selling a house? What is the right time to sell? How much is my property worth? How should the transfer of ownership be organised? What are the costs involved? These are just some of the questions you will face when selling. Related to these are some frequent mistakes, which are made especially when selling privately and without the competent support of an appraiser or estate agent.

10 steps for basement renovation: a new living space

A cellar can be much more than a place to store boxes and garden tools. With a touch of creativity and the right planning, the cellar can in fact become a living space in its own right. Whether you need an extra bedroom, an office or a guest room, renovating the cellar can be the ideal solution. In this article, you will discover how to turn your cellar into a living area in just ten steps.

Real Estate Agent

How to become an estate agent: requirements, techniques and strategies

If you think that being a salesman could be part of your career future, you are in the right place.I will explain how to become an estate agent and what requirements you should have.E&V is always looking for new consultants, along with other real estate agencies. The real estate market never stands still.

Overview of the latest lifestyle & GG articles

Market trend: smart cities

Smart city: an elegant and catchy expression, which nevertheless has a not inconsiderable polarising potential. Below, we try to explain why. With the arrival of the new millennium, the English term 'smart' has become widely used in areas such as business, politics and even building design. Translated as 'smart, talented, effective', the word has a decidedly positive connotation, thus drawing more and more attention to itself. Initially, the concept mostly indicated a way of reacting to the social challenges of the time. These included managing the financial crisis, demographic change, ecology, environmental protection and resource recovery.

GG Magazine exclusive content

GG is an independent magazine at the highest level. Exploring the world of architecture, lifestyle, design, fashion, yachting, luxury living and travel. We seek out the most exciting topics and personalities for you and invite you to get to know them from a fresh new angle. In GG, you will meet successful architects, interesting designers and exciting artists who are the talk of the town from London to New York and Berlin to Hong Kong.


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20121 Milan, Italy

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