Engel & Völkers
  • 2 min read

What makes living in a tower block attractive?

The high-rise apartment block was unpopular for a long time and was not the focus of the Viennese housing industry. In other metropolises, however, the high-rise residential building was already in vogue and clearly set itself apart from the previous image of a housing alternative for socially disadvantaged social classes. The question now arises as to what brought about this change. The previous chapters have already explained that the majority of respondents could well imagine living in a high-rise building as a residential alternative. The location and attributes such as the view play a major role here. Even if the aggregation of many people in a confined space is seen as a disadvantage, some of those surveyed see the anonymity as an advantage. this is precisely where the architects of the modern era come in. They want to use new types of architecture to take away the image of high-rise buildings as anonymous and dirty tower blocks. Modern high-rise buildings should reflect a successful symbiosis of the flair of the metropolis, the individuality of their residents and their desire for privacy. The result is not a mass-produced product, but a variety of flat types for the different requirements of residents - whether for families with children, older couples or singles.

In the study by Engel & Völkers Vienna on high-rise living as an alternative form of housing in the metropolis, respondents were explicitly asked about the desired amenities that would make living in a high-rise building attractive. The majority of respondents opted for shopping facilities, fitness and wellness facilities and restaurants. A 24-hour lobby also enhances the residential experience.

There is a decisive difference in the choice of amenities in Austria and especially in Vienna. While it is common practice in the English-speaking world, for example, to pass on services such as a concierge, a staffed lobby, an integrated gym or even the swimming pool to the owners' association in addition to the general operating costs, many people here shy away from precisely these costs. Prospective buyers prefer external services such as a gym in the building or in the immediate neighbourhood, which they can choose to join or not. This presents developers with a particular challenge and leads to the question: How can I offer additional amenities without overburdening the ongoing operating costs?

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In the previous sections, the needs of people with regard to living in a high-rise building were discussed. From this, a target group has crystallised that clearly prefers living in the metropolis with all its advantages. Of course, this also includes short distances. As the car is becoming less and less important in the metropolis, not only due to social discussion and the general trend, but also due to increasing regulation, the importance of public transport is growing strongly. This trend is clearly documented in the study. For example, 58% of respondents gave transport links the highest rating of 1 and 23% gave them a rating of 2, meaning that around 81% of respondents gave transport links a very high priority.

The decisive factors that make living in a high-rise building attractive are therefore clearly based on the target group in focus. The target group favours a life of "short distances" and proximity to what they see as attractive places such as cultural and social facilities and the workplace. As they shy away from long distances, public transport connections are of great importance.

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