Engel & Völkers


The details of the owner of the website are as follows:

Kampfraat Real Estate S.L.U (hereinafter “EV Andorra”)

Tax registration number: L-710620-Uno
Physical address: Calle La María Plan 8, Andorra la Vieja, AD500
Email address: andorra.dpd@engelvoelkers.com
Contact telephone number: +376 88 66 88

EV Andorra is the licensee of Engel & Völkers Residential GmbH, a company incorporated under the laws of Germany with registered office at Vancouverstraße 2a, 20457 Hamburg.

Managing Directors: Jawed Barna (Chair), Dr. Rainer Klipp, Frederick von Pistohlkors, Florian Wieser, Till-Fabian Zalewski, Ricardo Arends.

Browsing this website confers upon you the status of user (hereinafter “You”). Any use contrary to that provided for in this document is strictly prohibited.

1. Purpose

This website offers information about EV Andorra, its location, the services it offers, a block and contact methods, as well as information about appearances at various Engel & Völkers events.

Access to this website or its use by you necessarily implies, without reservation, submission to and acceptance of this Legal Notice.

EV Andorra reserves the right to change, at any time and without prior notice, the terms of this Legal Notice. Each time you use the website, the terms of use provided for in the Legal Notice will apply, in accordance with the changes made at any time. Therefore, we recommend that you read it carefully each time you enter the website.

2. Access and use of the website

You access the EV Andorra website under your sole responsibility. The content and services presented on this website are intended to disseminate information about the services offered and developed by EV Andorra.

EV Andorra will use reasonable means at its disposal to ensure that the content and services included on its website are accurate and up-to-date. However, it cannot guarantee this at all times.

Likewise, EV Andorra does not guarantee the absence of computer viruses or other harmful elements on this website. Consequently, it is not responsible for any possible damage, irreparable alterations or errors that, due to the presence of any virus, may occur to your computer system (hardware or software) when you access or use the website, or for any damage caused to third parties. However, as soon as it becomes aware of their existence, EV Andorra will use all means at its disposal to remedy and ensure, as far as possible, the peaceful use of its website.

It is strictly prohibited to carry out any action (including the introduction or dissemination of computer viruses) that causes damage or alterations to the content of this website, as well as to intervene or cause alterations in the email.

EV Andorra is not responsible for any damage or loss that may be suffered by your computer equipment due to improper or negligent use of this website.

3. Intellectual property

All content, without exception and without limitation, that forms part of this website, that is, information, articles, data, texts, logos, icons, images, design and image of the website (external appearance or look and feel), video files, audio files, databases and computer applications, are the property of EV Andorra or are used under license from third parties who hold the intellectual and/or industrial property rights of the aforementioned content. These are protected by current national and international intellectual property laws.

You may create a private copy of the content solely for your personal use. Any other use or exploitation will require prior written authorization from the owner of the exploitation rights. Specifically, you are prohibited from reproducing, distributing, publicly communicating (including the right to make available), fixing, transforming, collecting and, in any other way, exploiting the contents appearing on this website without the prior written authorization of the owner of the exploitation rights.

Under no circumstances does access to this website imply any type of waiver, transmission or transfer, in whole or in part, of the rights granted by national and international legislation on intellectual property.

4. Industrial property

The brands and logos present on this website are protected by national and international laws on industrial property. Likewise, the logos that identify EV Andorra are its exclusive property.

The domain https://www.engelvoelkers.com/ad/en is a domain registered by EV Andorra. This domain name may not be used, except with express prior authorization, in connection with services other than those of the owner, in such a way that it may cause confusion with respect to third parties.

Reproduction (except temporary download) is prohibited.

Responsibility in the meaning of Art. 2, Art. 3 (g) iii) Digital Service Act (DSA): 
Engel & Völkers GmbH, Vancouver Straße 2a, 20457 Hamburg, Germany 

(Imprint: www.engelvoelkers.com/de/en/imprint

Central point of contact for Member State authorities, the Commission and the European Digital Services Body under Art. 11 of the Digital Services Act: contact@engelvoelkers.com.
The following languages may be used to communicate with this point of contact: German and English.

Central point of contact for users of our service under Art. 12 of the Digital Services Act: contact@engelvoelkers.com.

5. Links

Any hypertext link, deep link, or any other type of virtual connection through telecommunications networks from any website ("links") to this website must be previously authorized in writing by EV Andorra, establishing the link, in any case, on its home page.

All links to external websites (from third parties) are for guidance purposes only, with the aim of making other sources of information available to you that may be of interest to you.

EV Andorra is not responsible for the content or any other aspect related to external websites. If you detect that any of the content may be contrary to the law or that it may harm the property or rights of a third party, you can direct your observation to the email address: andorra.dpd@engelvoelkers.com, in order to be able to cancel this link or carry out the corresponding actions.

6. Security of transactions

Reservations made on the EV Andorra website are managed through a secure area. The confidentiality of data is fully guaranteed in relation to the personal data processed, including the data relating to the credit cards provided to secure the reservation.

All confidential information sent through this website is encrypted and, therefore, protected against access by third parties.

7. Data Protection Policy

EV Andorra takes the privacy of your data seriously and, therefore, applies a Data Protection Policy based on the data protection principles of Andorran and European Union regulations.

For more information, please consult our Privacy Policy.


EV Andorra rejects any liability arising from the misuse of the contents, and reserves the right to update, delete, limit or prevent access to them, temporarily or permanently.

The contents of the website are intended solely to inform you about the services offered by EV Andorra.

EV Andorra does not guarantee the continued operation of this website, nor that it is operational and available at all times.

EV Andorra is not responsible for any direct or indirect damages, including damage to computer systems and the introduction of viruses existing on the network, resulting from Internet browsing, necessary for visiting and using the website.

9. Duration and Modification

In order to improve the service or adapt to current legislation, EV Andorra shall have the right to modify the terms and conditions stipulated herein.

EV Andorra may unilaterally terminate, suspend or interrupt the operation of this website, without you being able to request any compensation.

10. Applicable legislation and jurisdiction

The application and interpretation of the terms contained in this Legal Notice are governed by the current legislation of the Principality of Andorra. In the event of any dispute arising in the interpretation or execution of any of these terms, the parties hereby expressly waive their own jurisdiction, if any, and submit to the jurisdiction of the courts and tribunals of the Principality of Andorra.

This website uses Leaflet Library. For copyright credits click here.


Contact us

Engel & Völkers Andorra

C/ Na Maria Pla 8 AD500 Andorra la Vella, Andorra

AD500 Andorra la Vella, Andorra

Tel: +376 88 66 88