Engel & Völkers
  • 4 min read

Selling your house in Portugal: A complete guide for a successful process

Selling a home can be an exciting but also complex experience, especially if you are not familiar with the process. In Portugal, there are specific regulations and procedures that you should be aware of to ensure a successful and hassle-free sale.

In this post, we will guide you step by step on everything you need to know to sell your home in Portugal, from initial preparation to signing the final contract. Furthermore, at Engel & Völkers , we will advise you at every step of the process so that you make the best decisions.

1. Preparation for sale:

a) Define your objectives:

Before beginning the sales process, it is crucial to establish your objectives. Do you want to sell your house as quickly as possible? Get the highest price possible? Or are you looking for a hassle-free sale? Defining your objectives will help you make strategic decisions throughout the process.

b) Value your property:

Determining the market value of your home is a fundamental step. You can do it together with one of our real estate consultants or through our form . A realistic price will attract potential buyers and help you achieve your sales goals.

c) Improve the appearance of your house:

Investing in improving the appearance of your home before selling it is a strategic decision that brings you closer to a more successful, faster and profitable sales process. With an attractive property, you will be attracting more potential buyers, obtaining a better sales price, facilitating viewings and creating a positive experience for everyone involved.

d) Gather the necessary documentation:

To sell your house in Portugal, you will need to have these documents:

1. Energy Certificate :

This certificate is mandatory for all homes for sale or rent in Portugal. Rate the property's energy efficiency on a scale from A (most efficient) to G (least efficient). Potential buyers have the right to know the energy efficiency of the home before making a purchasing decision.

2. Property Registry Certificate:

This document certifies ownership of the home and must have an issue date of less than 6 months. You can request it online or in person at the corresponding Property Registry.
3 . Property Card :

Also known as a matrix certificate, this document contains tax information and property characteristics. It can be requested for free on the finance portal or at a branch of the Tax and Customs Authority (AT).

4. Leaf Book :

The Leaf Book is an official record that contains all the legal information about the property, such as the description of the home, the owner's details and any liens or mortgage charges. This document is essential to prove legal ownership of the home and complete the sale.

5. Certificate of No Mortgages :

This certificate issued by the Property Registry confirms that the home is not subject to any mortgage or lien. Potential buyers often request this document to ensure that the property is debt-free and that the sales process can be completed smoothly.

6. License to use:

This document indicates the purpose of use of the property (residential, commercial, etc.) and is requested at the City Hall.

7. Property Plan:

Defines the layout and areas of the property, including additional spaces such as garages or storage rooms. You can request it at City Hall.

2. Sell your house without stress and at the best price: Trust a real estate consultant!

A real estate consultant can be your best ally in this process.

At Engel & Völkers we can help you achieve your real estate goals. We will accompany you every step of the process. We will help you establish a competitive price and take care of all aspects, so you can sell your home with peace of mind and obtain the best possible result.

3. Management of visits and negotiations:

a) Organize visits with potential buyers:

Set a schedule for showings and make sure your home is presentable.

b) Negotiate the price:

Research the sales prices of similar properties in your area to understand the current market. Get a professional appraisal or compare your home with similar ones to determine its true value. Establish a minimum and an ideal sales price, taking into account the characteristics of your property and market conditions. Anticipate possible objections that may arise from buyers and be prepared to answer them clearly and convincingly. Finally, gather all the documentation necessary for the sale, such as the ownership certificate, the cadastral certificate and the energy certificate, to speed up the process.

c) Close the sale:

Once you have reached an agreement with a buyer, a sales contract will be drawn up and the legal process will be completed.

5. Engel & Völkers : Your ally in the sale of your house in Portugal

At Engel & Völkers , we are passionate about helping our clients achieve their real estate goals. We have extensive experience in the Portuguese market and we offer you a comprehensive service that includes:

  • Personalized advice: We will help you define your objectives and choose the best sales strategy for your home.

  • Valuation of your property: We will carry out an accurate valuation of your home so that you get the best possible price.

  • Promotion and marketing: We will publish your house on the main real estate portals and use various marketing strategies to reach a wide audience of potential buyers.

  • Management of visits and negotiations: We will be in charge of organizing the visits, negotiating the price and closing the sale successfully.

  • Legal procedures: We will accompany you throughout the legal sales process, ensuring that all regulations and requirements are met.

Contact us today and discover how we can help you sell your house in Portugal quickly, efficiently and safely.


Contact us

Engel & Völkers Portugal

Av. da Liberdade 196, 7 andar

1250-096 Lisboa, Portugal

Tel: +351 210 200 490