Vale de Milhaços is a locality in the parish of Corroios and the municipality of Seixal. It's basically a residential area, mainly with villas and a few outbuildings. It is located 13 metres (7.1 kilometres) from Almada, 17 metres (9.8 kilometres) from Seixal, 29 metres (35.2 kilometres) from Setúbal, 23 metres (16.6 kilometres) from Lisbon, 15 metres (9.5 kilometres) from the beaches of Costa da Caparica, 31 metres (25.6 kilometres) from the beaches of Sesimbra and 43 metres (35.7 kilometres) from the beaches of Setúbal. The Corroios railway station connects Lisbon and Setúbal by bus or car. It is 2 minutes from the A33 motorway, which connects to the A2 that links Lisbon to the south of the country. The town of Seixal, the seat of the Council, stands out for its beautiful natural bay linked to the River Tagus, which connects it to other districts, especially Lisbon. The traditional economic activity of fishing has over the centuries enabled the extraction of food for local consumption and export. It has the necessary basic commercial and service infrastructures and is also proving to be increasingly interesting for visitors, especially foreigners, attracted by the pleasant surroundings, culture, local restaurants and hotels, as well as investors, as it has a Football Training Centre, one of the biggest and best teams in the country, allowing for a frequent influx of people to the area, sometimes even greater due to open-air training sessions.