Engel & Völkers
  • 3 min read

How to Change Your Career Without Experience

dos hombres trabajando frente a un ordenador

Sometimes, we may feel the need for a career change. Maybe you’re looking for a job that gives you more free time, better work-life balance, or even the opportunity to grow professionally.

These desires can push us to switch industries and search for another job that offers these benefits. To make the transition easier, in this article we will explain how to change careers, even if you have no experience in the new field.

Why Change Industries?

There are certain patterns that often repeat when people decide to change professions, as they tend to be the main drivers behind this decision. Here is a brief list of the most common ones:

Flexible Hours

One of the main reasons to change professions is the schedule. A job that gives you more free time—and allows you to organize your time as you prefer—will help you perform at your best and find balance between your personal and professional life.

A good example is the real estate agents at Engel & Völkers, who organize their schedules according to their preferences, thanks to the flexible hours they enjoy.


Another reason for wanting to change careers is that you may have reached the top of what you could achieve in your current company, and now you want to take on more varied and dynamic tasks. In other words, you seek new professional challenges that keep you constantly learning and growing.

Is It Possible to Change Industries Without Experience?

Although it may seem challenging, changing careers or industries without prior experience is possible. Many companies prefer this type of professional because they can train them according to their needs.

In fact, some companies provide a variety of tools and opportunities to ensure successful outcomes. A good example of such companies is Engel & Völkers, which makes it as easy as possible to onboard new team members, even if they are starting from scratch. This is thanks to their academy and seminars, where you can continue to develop your skills.

The Best Job for Changing Careers or Industries

One of the best jobs for switching careers is in the real estate sector. Working as a real estate agent has many advantages, as you will take on a variety of tasks that allow you to develop both professionally and personally.

Additionally, you can organize your work schedule in a way that suits you, enabling you to achieve a better work-life balance or have quality free time. Moreover, this job does not require a university degree, making the career change easier.

Steps to Change Your Career

To make the career or industry change smoother, we’re sharing some tips to help you create a clear action plan:

Find Out What Has Changed

Before seeking a career change, it's crucial to understand yourself and know what you need and desire. Being clear about this will help you make decisions more easily and achieve the professional or personal development you are looking for.

Consider Staying in the Same Industry

When changing careers, it will always be quicker if you can do so within the same field, as you already have knowledge and experience in the subject.

However, if you're certain that you want to switch both profession and industry, don’t worry. All those years of work and the skills you've acquired will help you in your new role, so you won’t be starting from scratch.

Evaluate Your Opportunities

Analyze the job market and consider the different opportunities that interest you. Not all positions may suit you at this moment. Doing a thorough evaluation can help you discard options that aren't ideal—for instance, if a role requires extensive qualifications, that might be a factor to consider.

Seek Support from Others

Life changes are always easier when you have support. It’s important to have family, friends, or someone who has gone through the same experience by your side.

Reinvent Yourself

Another tip for changing professions is to invest in learning. It might not be necessary, but acquiring new knowledge can help strengthen your candidacy during interviews and demonstrate that you are the right person for the job or tasks.

Rewrite Your Resume

Companies want to know more about you before hiring. Crafting a new resume is the best way to introduce yourself and highlight your experience, as well as the skills or strengths you can bring to the company or the job market.

Start Your Job Search

It’s time to find a new profession that matches your needs and preferences. Try researching companies and available job positions, and apply to those where you feel you can make a contribution.

una mujer trabajando desde la oficina

Build a Network

Try to connect with people who are already in the industry and who can help you, even if you lack experience. This could be a great way to land an opportunity in the new professional field.

Prepare for the Interview

When you land your first job interview, try to prepare for it in advance. This will make it easier to answer questions about your strengths and weaknesses, as well as why you’ve decided to change jobs. The more prepared you are, the better impression you will leave with the HR manager.

Have a Plan B

It’s always wise to have a backup plan that keeps you from giving up. For example, if experience in the new sector is an essential requirement, consider taking a course that allows you to get an internship. Or look for companies that are willing to train you and work with you, like Engel & Völkers.

Barriers to Changing Careers

You may encounter obstacles during the career change process that make the path more difficult. It’s important to be aware of these challenges in advance so you can prepare properly.

Mainly, the biggest barriers will be mental. Your subconscious may try to stop you from making the change to a new industry. In this sense, it's important to work on your mindset and stay motivated.

Imposter Syndrome

During the process, it’s essential to stay positive. Think about and value all your strengths and the experience you have, and what you can bring to the new industry. Don’t see your lack of experience as a barrier, but rather as an opportunity for change and growth.

Uncertainty and Insecurity

Since it’s a new process, it’s likely that you’ll feel uncertainty about the future, which can lead to fear and insecurity. The best approach is to focus on the benefits and positive changes that the career switch will bring, in addition to having strong motivation and a determined mindset.

As you can see, changing careers is not impossible, but it does require effort and motivation to achieve. The key is to find a job that truly supports your personal and professional development.

If you would like to pursue these aspirations as a real estate agent, at Engel & Völkers we will help you achieve that career change with ease.


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Engel & Völkers Spain

Avenida Diagonal 640, 6B

08017 Barcelona, España

Tel: +34 900 747 281