Santo António dos Cavaleiros, Santo António dos Cavaleiros, Lisbon, Portugal
Grândola, Setubal, Portugal
Luz, Faro District, Portugal
Vila Nova de Cacela, Faro District, Portugal
São Brás de Alportel, Faro District, Portugal
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Porto, Porto District, Portugal
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Luz, Faro District, Portugal
Melides, Setubal, Portugal
Porto, Porto District, Portugal
Gouvães do Douro, Vila Real District, Portugal
Azias, Viana do Castelo District, Portugal
Sesimbra, Sesimbra, Setubal, Portugal
Santa Margarida da Serra, Setubal, Portugal
Senhora da Hora, Porto District, Portugal
Camarate, Camarate, Lisbon, Portugal
Palmela, Setubal, Portugal
Tavira, Faro District, Portugal
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Portugal is one of the 10 cheapest countries in Europe to buy a home, with an average price of 1,963 euros per square metre in 2015.
Property sales, especially in urban centres, stand out due to the great demand both from foreign and domestic investors.
Investing in renovation properties in historic town centres can be highly beneficial.
Engel & Völkers Portugal
Av. da Liberdade 196, 7 andar
1250-096 Lisboa, Portugal
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