Engel & Völkers

Engel & Völkers Limburg


Diamond Real Estate GmbH
License Partner of Engel & Völkers Residential GmbH
Kornmarkt 3
65549 Limburg
Phone: +49 6431 497 2470
E-Mail: limburganderlahn@engelvoelkers.com

Commercial Register Court: Koblenz District Court Commercial Register Number: HRB 21120 VAT Identification Number: DE814968786 Authorized Representative: Ass. iur. Georg Lennartz LL.M. Registered Office: Habsburgring 63, 56727 Mayen
Competent Supervisory Authority for Activities under §34c GewO: City Administration Mayen, Regulatory Authority Town Hall Rosengasse, 56709 Mayen, Tel. 02651/88-0 Trade License according to §34c GewO from 25.03.2008 (No.3-1711) Issued by the City Administration Mayen (Address/Contact as above) Professional Chamber: Chamber of Industry and Commerce, Schlossstr. 2, 56068 Koblenz
Consumer Information on Alternative Dispute Resolution (Art 14 (1) ODR-VO and § 36 VSBG) The European Union's online dispute resolution platform ("OS Platform") for consumers can be reached at the following link: http://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr We do not participate in dispute resolution proceedings before a consumer arbitration board.
Professional Liability Insurance: Markel Insurance SE, Sophienstr. 26, 80333 München, www.markel.de, Phone: +49 89 205094-000. Geographical Scope: Europe

Verantwortlich für den Inhalt der websites www.engelvoelkers.com/de-de/limburg and www.engelvoelkers.com/limburg: Ass. iur. / LL.M. Georg Lennartz, Kornmarkt 3, 65549 Limburg, Tel. 06431/497 2470, E-Mail: limburganderlahn@engelvoelkers.com


Engel & Völkers Limburg

Engel & Völkers Limburg

Kornmarkt 3

65549 Limburg


+49 6431 497 2470
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