This is a mostly residential and commercial neighborhood. The houses retain their original architecture and are usually of a good size. Of family origin, this is where traditional commerce is concentrated - furniture stores, cafés, restaurants - but new trends are also reflected. It's a very interesting neighborhood to live in, given its central location, easy access, public transport network, proximity to hospitals, schools and the police.
Arroios has three recently refurbished and modernized markets: Mercado 31 de Janeiro, Mercado de Arroios, with new restaurants at the entrance, and Mercado do Forno do Tijolo, which houses traditional stores, a CTT - Correios de Portugal store, the Clodomiro Alvarenga reading room, the Joaquim Campos Sports Complex, consisting of the Arroios Swimming Pool, a multi-sports court and a children's playground, as well as the Mercado de Culturas - a multi-purpose space that hosts cultural projects.