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District II, Budapest, Hungary
Modern, Multifunctional Building 9 Rooms 718 m² Living area 1,804 m² Plot surface Add to watchlist
District III., Budapest, Hungary
House for rent near the international school 4 Rooms 2 Bathrooms 140 m² Living area Add to watchlist
District XI., Budapest, Hungary
Perfect family home on a hillside 4 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 200 m² Living area 700 m² Plot surface Add to watchlist
District XII., Budapest, Hungary
Elegant villa in Mártonhegy 6 Bedrooms 3 Bathrooms 492 m² Living area 1,698 m² Plot surface Add to watchlist
District XI., Budapest, Hungary
Contemporary villa with a Tasteful Ambience 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 380 m² Living area 863 m² Plot surface Add to watchlist
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District XI., Budapest, Hungary
Contemporary villa with a Tasteful Ambience 4 Bedrooms 4 Bathrooms 380 m² Living area 863 m² Plot surface Add to watchlist
District II, Budapest, Hungary
Villa in the Heart of Classical Rose Hill 650 m² Living area 1,600 m² Plot surface Add to watchlist
District I., Budapest, Hungary
Green certified office building in the Hill side of Budapest 1,951 m² Living area 1,778 m² Plot surface Add to watchlist
Vác, Pest County, Hungary
Danube family house 5 Bedrooms 6 Bathrooms 446 m² Living area 822 m² Plot surface Add to watchlist
More properties in the surrounding region Breitenbrunn, Burgenland, Austria
Modernes Wohnparadies mit Weitblick – Ihr neues Zuhause am Neusiedler See! 3 Bedrooms 2 Bathrooms 147 m² Living area 1,104 m² Plot surface Add to watchlist
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