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¿Por qué invertir en el Uruguay?

Uruguay, ubicado entre sus dos grandes vecinos, Argentina y Brasil, es considerado la Perla del Sur en América Latina. Conocido por su estilo de vida relajado, sus bodegas, campos ondulados, aves exóticas y hermosas playas frente al océano, Uruguay es un país seguro y políticamente estable. Ofrece una excelente infraestructura y una población local amigable. Visitantes de todo el mundo y la región eligen Uruguay como su paraíso para pasar sus vacaciones y explorar la profundidad de lo que este magnífico país tiene para ofrecer.

Explorar Uruguay nos lleva desde territorios lejanos a través de caminos sinuosos que se despliegan en praderas abiertas, tierras ganaderas y vastas áreas sin aglomeraciones, algo inusual de encontrar en un país tan pequeño. Gran parte del desarrollo ha sido invertido en la producción agrícola.

Gracias a su estratégica posición geográfica en la desembocadura del Río de la Plata y su puerto natural, inicialmente atrajo a comerciantes a la región, quienes desarrollaron el comercio y atrajeron a inmigrantes europeos que buscaron un futuro en estas tierras. Los uruguayos son excelentes embajadores de su tierra natal, invariablemente amigables y algunas de las personas más serenas y agradables que se pueden encontrar en cualquier parte.


-    Strength and stability of its institutions.

-    The strong social, political, and economic stability of the country.

-    Investment-grade status of Uruguay's debt.

-    Equal treatment for local and foreign investors.

-    Free flow of capital, including the free repatriation of dividends and capital.

-    Founding member of Mercosur, initially formed with Argentina, Brazil, and Paraguay, creating a potential market of more than 295,000,000 inhabitants


-    Fiscal residence and legal residence regimes.

-    Free trade zone regime.

-    Investment Promotion regime.


-    Total population of Uruguay: 3,450,000

-    Total land area: 178,220 km²

-    GDP per capita 2023: 30,510 USD (IMF).

-    Inflation in 2023: 5.1%.

-    Literacy rate: 98%.

-    Population with access to potable water: 96%.

-    #1 in Latin America and the Caribbean in the democracy index (World Bank).

-    #1 in Latin America and the Caribbean in the political stability index (World Bank).

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-    Staying in Uruguay for more than 183 days in a year.

-    Establishing the primary core or base of activities or economic or vital interests in Uruguay.

-    Investing in real estate for approximately USD 550,000 (at July 2024) + staying in Uruguay for more than 60 days in the calendar year.

-    Investing in real estate for approximately USD 2,400,000 (at July 2024) without the need for a minimum period of stay in the country.

-    Direct or indirect investment in a company for approximately USD 2,400,000 (at july 2024) that generates 15 new jobs from 7/1/2020.

-    Direct or indirect investment of approximately USD 7,200,000 (at july 2024) in a company carrying out activities or projects of national interest according to the Investment Promotion Law.

The fiscal resident will be subject to the Uruguayan tax system, which is based on territoriality with some exceptions.

-    Only assets located in Uruguay will be subject to the Wealth Tax.

-    Income from abroad will be exempt from taxes except for capital income derived from deposits, loans, or other placements of capital or credit of any nature.

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For foreigners who become fiscal residents, they will have the option regarding capital income earned abroad to:

-    Not pay any tax on such income in the year they became fiscal residents and for the subsequent 10 years, and then start paying IRNR at the regular rate of 12%.

-    Pay IRNR at a rate of 7% from the moment they become fiscal residents onwards.


-    The Investment Promotion Law declares both national and foreign investment and its protection to be of national interest.

-    Foreign investors enjoy the same incentives as local investors, with no discrimination from a tax perspective or any kind of restrictions.

-    There is no requirement to have local partners or Uruguayan nationals as company directors.

-    No prior authorization or registration is required, and there are no restrictions on the transfer or repatriation of capital or profits at any time.

-    Companies from any sector that present an investment project promoted by the Executive Power can access the benefits granted by the law:

-    Exemption from the Corporate Income Tax (IRAE) for a maximum amount equivalent to 100% of the total investment, for up to 15 years.

-    Exemption from the Wealth Tax (IP), for both fixed asset real estate and civil works for the same period.

-    Recovery of the Value Added Tax (IVA) paid on purchases of materials and services related to the installation of the company.

-    Exemption from the payment of rates and taxes on the importation of fixed asset movable goods that do not compete with national industry.

To obtain the tax benefits, the investor must submit an investment project to a committee of the Ministry of Economy and Finance (COMAP), which analyzes the project and grants tax exemptions based on the impact on certain factors, mainly: the creation of new jobs, the generation of exports, the incorporation of new technologies, the decentralization of activities, and the use of clean energy.

Approximately 25% of private investment in Uruguay is made using the benefits of the law.

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The significant growth of the country in the last decade is linked to the substantial increase in investment.

In Uruguay, Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has reached record levels, positioning the country among the top recipients of FDI in terms of GDP in South America.


-    We are a country surrounded by nature.

-    Free from pollution.

-    Experiencing significant growth.

-    A haven for capital and foreign investors concerned about an increasingly volatile, violent, and insecure world.

-    Boasting beautiful beaches and fertile fields.

-    A country that welcomes foreigners with open arms.

-    Because its tax regime is extremely attractive.

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Punta del Este
  • Ruta 10 Km. 161 esq. Las Brisas / C. de los Cisnes esq. C. de las Golondrinas
    20001 La Barra / José Ignacio

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