Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 9:00-18:00
Saturday: 10:00-13:00
The Portuguese government has announced the launch of a "Transitory NHR tax regime" for non-habitual residents in 2024.
"This is a transitional regime that makes it possible to safeguard the legitimate expectations of individuals who have already made the decision to immigrate or return to Portugal," explains António Costa, in the explanatory note that accompanies the proposed amendment to the State Budget (SB) initiative for 2024.
The "Transitory NHR tax regime" maintains the possibility for citizens to access the special tax regime as long as they have already taken a series of steps related to changing their tax residence. In practice, in addition to the current benefits of this tax regime, in which the individual income tax rate is more attractive during the first ten years, being maintained for those who become tax resident by the end of 2023 (which was already safeguarded in the initial version of the SB), the current government is proposing that the regime will also apply to those who "become resident for tax purposes by 31 December 2024" and "declare, for the purposes of their registration as a non-habitual resident, that they have a" certain element that binds them to this commitment. There are six ways to become eligible for this transitional regime:
Opening hours
Monday to Friday: 9:00-18:00
Saturday: 10:00-13:00