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Non-repayable benefits for real estate investments in Salento (PIA and miniPIA)

Call for miniPIA TOURISM Puglia Region: applications from May 2024

Bando PIA TURISMO Puglia Region: applications from 30 April.

The presentation of applications for contributions of up to 60% for the realisation of investments of between EUR 30,000 and 5 million (miniPIA) and between EUR 5 and 40 million (PIA) in the tourism sector for hotels, motels, hotel-residences, historical residences, wellness-centre hotels and conhotels is now underway. The new 2024 call for proposals introduces some novelties with respect to the previous programming, obliging companies to present an Integrated Programme of Facilitation that includes, in addition to tangible assets, also Innovation, Training and Environmental Protection projects. Another novelty concerns Enterprise Networks, which will be able to carry out interventions of between EUR 2 and 5 million.

1. Some properties that can be purchased with PIA and miniPIA tenders

2. Purposes and beneficiaries

3. Initiatives that can be financed and eligible expenses

4. Financial Facilities

5. Bureaucratic Process

1. Some properties that can be purchased with PIA and miniPIA tenders

2. Purposes and beneficiaries


The Mini Integrated Facilitation Package (MiniPIA) is a financial instrument of the Region of Puglia aimed at businesses in the tourism sector that intend to expand and modernise their facilities, or to implement new initiatives through the enhancement of the historical-cultural heritage and landscape.

Applications can be submitted from May 2024.


Enterprises of any size, including newly established ones, and Enterprise Networks/Consortia.


The Integrated Facilitation Package (PIA) TURISMO is a financial instrument aimed at businesses in the tourism sector consisting of different types of measures to finance

investments in real estate for tourism use

technological innovation and training projects;

environmental protection;

Specialised consultancy and internationalisation

Applications for access to finance can be submitted from March 2024 to December 2027


SMEs, Enterprise Networks consisting of at least 5 enterprises;

Medium-sized and Large enterprises on the date of application must have approved at least two balance sheets;

Small enterprises on the date of application must demonstrate a turnover of at least EUR 1 million on average in the last three years, or have signed commercial agreements with 4-star hotel management brands.

 Lecce (LE)

3. Initiatives that can be financed and eligible expenses


Mini Integrated Facilitation Packages must concern investment programmes of between EUR 30,000 and EUR 5 million, aimed at

Construction of new tourist hotel structures (including in the form of a albergo diffuso), or non-hotel structures (with at least 5 rooms) through:

Extraordinary maintenance work and/or consolidation, restoration and conservative redevelopment of buildings of historical or artistic interest subject to the constraints of Legislative Decree 42/2004, or of entire buildings located in zone "A" historic centre and in a state of abandonment for at least 3 years;

Extraordinary maintenance work and/or consolidation, restoration and conservative redevelopment of rural buildings, Masserie, Trulli, Towers, Fortifications, Period Cottages and Farmhouses;

Creation of new hotel or non-hotel tourist activities (with at least 5 rooms) through

the recovery of accommodation facilities, partially built and not completed;

the recovery of abandoned buildings, or buildings in need of extraordinary maintenance and building renovation to be used as accommodation facilities, hostels, as well as sports, cultural and/or recreational facilities;

Expansion, modernisation and renovation of existing hotel structures (including in the form of a albergo diffuso), as well as non-hotel residences that have been in operation for at least 6 months and are located in a single building complex intended for accommodation with at least 3 and a maximum of 6 units;

Construction or modernisation of bathing establishments;

Construction or extension, modernisation and renovation of campsites and tourist landings;

Construction, extension or improvement of sports facilities;

Construction of theme parks.

Investment Programmes (the expenditure of which may not exceed 90% of the entire Package) must mandatorily be integrated with Programmes of a digital and/or technological nature involving at least one of the following interventions

a) Innovation Projects (digital, technological, strategic, organisational and management of tourism enterprises)

b) Training Projects (for the qualification of skills on digital transformation, sustainable tourism, ecological transition, green reconversion).

The Project may also include

Environmental Protection Programmes

Specialist consultancy (including internationalisation)

Expenses for Participation in trade fairs.

In the event that the investment programme is presented by a Network of Enterprises or by a Consortium, the project must be aimed at increasing the tourism flows of the participating enterprises, also through the figure of a Temporary Manager, and concern

Digital investments

Training courses

Multi-purpose packages (specialist consultancy and expenses for participation in trade fairs)

Eligible expenses
Within the framework of the productive investment programme, the following expenses are eligible:

a) Value of the land and its arrangements
b) Masonry and similar (including value of the building)
c) Brand new machinery, plant, furnishings and equipment in line with the requirements of Industry 4.0 and/or the European Green Deal

d) Preliminary feasibility studies

e) Design and construction management costs
f) Patents, licences and know-how and technology transfers
g) Computer programmes
h) Salary costs related to new employees for a maximum period of 2 years

In the context of innovation projects, expenses relating to the following are eligible:

Advisory services for the introduction and use of innovative technologies and solutions provided by research organisations, technology clusters, innovation specialists

Training activities by bodies accredited by the Apulia Region

Specialist consultancy services, including the figure of a Temporary Manager, for website promotion, for the definition of marketing strategies, for the acquisition of certifications

Environmental protection consulting services

Internationalisation services

Expenses for participation in trade fairs

Types of structures eligible for financial assistance (Mini PIA Tourism)

buildings of historical or artistic interest subject to the restrictions of Legislative Decree 42/2004 (the whole building and not part of it)
buildings located in zone "A" historic centre and in a state of abandonment for at least 3 years (the whole building and not part of it)
rural buildings
Period cottages
buildings authorised for accommodation facilities, partially built and not completed
Abandoned buildings, or in need of extraordinary maintenance and building renovation to be used as accommodation facilities, hostels, as well as sports, cultural and/or recreational facilities.

Supplementary Packages concern investment programmes of between EUR 5 and 40 million intended for

New hotel and non-hotel tourist facilities providing at least 7 rooms through the renovation of unfinished structures initially intended for tourism activities.
Expansion/modernisation and renovation of existing hotel structures in order to raise quality and/or classification standards;
Construction of hotel facilities with an accommodation capacity of no less than 7 rooms through extraordinary maintenance, consolidation and restoration of historic buildings with a declaration of cultural interest (Article 13 Legislative Decree 42/2004)
Construction of new hotel structures with an accommodation capacity of no less than 7 rooms through extraordinary maintenance, consolidation, restoration and conservation or building renovation works, to be used as accommodation, conference, sports, cultural and/or recreational facilities;
Structures, facilities or works through which the local tourist offer is improved with the aim of promoting the deseasonalisation of tourist flows,

Expenditure relating to the property (for purchase, restoration and furnishing) may not exceed 90% of the entire Supplementary Package and must also include expenditure relating to

Innovation projects (digital, technological, strategic, organisational and management);
Environmental protection;
Specialised consultancy;
Internationalisation (including participation in trade fairs).
For SMEs only, the project may include

Specialised consultancy
expenses for participation in trade fairs
For Enterprise Networks only, the PIA may be represented by a project aimed at increasing tourist flows, including international ones, by expanding the business of each participant, and may consist of digital investments, training courses, multi-purpose packages, etc.

 Lecce (LE)
- MASSERIA!!!image857.png

4. Financial Facilities


The instrument allows for the receipt of a non-repayable grant (on condition that the enterprise obtains financing from an approved bank) for the investment programme, in the following measures

25% (30% in the presence of bonuses) for large enterprises

35% (40% in the presence of a bonus) for medium-sized enterprises

45% (50% in the presence of bonus payments) for Micro and Small enterprises (with a turnover of up to EUR 10 million and less than 50 employees)

For other types of expenditure, the contribution is

Up to 40% for investments in innovation

Up to 60% for training measures

Up to 55% for investments in environmental protection and energy saving

Up to 40% for specialised consultancy services, internationalisation and trade fairs

In addition to the non-repayable grant, the company can obtain an additional 10% ESL subsidy in the form of a guarantee on the loan granted by the bank.


Combination with other facilitating measures of a general and uniform nature not constituting State Aid is allowed, as provided for by Article 8 of the GBER.

The financial instrument of the Apulia Region allows for the receipt of a non-repayable contribution for real estate-related expenses in the following measures:

- 30% for large enterprises;

- 40% for medium-sized enterprises;

- 50% for small enterprises (with a turnover of up to EUR 10 million and fewer than 50 employees);

The above percentages may be increased by a further 10% in accordance with certain priorities.

The grant can be increased up to:

50% for technological innovation;
70% for training
65% for environmental protection and energy saving from alternative sources
50% for consultancy services.

5. Bureaucratic Process

The bureaucratic process for applying for the PIA is divided into three phases:
- Access phase
- Preliminary investigation phase
- Project Submission Phase

The Integrated Facilitation Programmes can be started after the submission of the Application (Access Phase) through the web-based platform of the Apulia Region, which is assigned a Protocol Code (CUP).

This is followed by the Preliminary Assessment Phase by Puglia Sviluppo on the basis of the evaluation criteria, at the end of which the Measure admitting the proposal to the next phase (Project Submission Phase) is adopted with the communication to submit the final project within the next 60 days.

In the event of exhaustion of resources, the Applications are admitted with reservation.

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MiniPIA and PIA: Financing for Tourism Development in Puglia

1. Introduction
The MiniPIA and the PIA are financial instruments promoted by the Puglia Region that use EU funds to support the development of the tourism sector. Both aim to finance real estate investments, digitalisation, training, specialist consultancy and internationalisation. The MiniPIA is aimed at small businesses, while the PIA extends to businesses of all sizes.

2. Recipients and Submission Period
Both packages accept financing requests from December 2023 to December 2027. The MiniPIA is dedicated to small businesses, including newly established ones, while the PIA is aimed at small, medium and large businesses.

3. What Can You DoMiniPIA
The MiniPIA finances investment programs from 30,000 to 5 million euros for new tourist facilities, consolidation works, recovery of abandoned buildings and other activities. 90% of the financing is allocated to the property, while the rest covers innovation, training, environmental protection, consultancy and internationalization projects.

The PIA covers investments from 5 to 40 million euros for new tourist facilities, consolidation works, recovery of abandoned buildings and other interventions. Like the MiniPIA, 90% of the financing is for the property, while the remainder supports innovation, training, environmental protection, consultancy and internationalization projects.

4. What You Can GetMiniPIA
The MiniPIA offers non-repayable contributions for property expenses, with variable percentages based on the size of the company: 25%-30% for large companies, 35%-40% for medium-sized companies and 45%-50% for small companies . Other contributions are provided for technological innovation, training, environmental protection, consultancy and internationalisation.

The PIA provides non-repayable contributions, which also vary according to the size of the company: 30% for large companies, 40% for medium-sized companies and 50% for small companies. Further benefits are available for technological innovation, training, environmental protection, consultancy and internationalisation.

In both cases, companies can obtain an additional 10% relief in the form of a guarantee on the loan provided by the bank.

Investing in Salento: a unique opportunity

Salento offers not only properties for sale, but also unique investment opportunities, especially in the real estate sector. Houses for sale in Salento and houses for sale in Puglia can take advantage of the non-repayable subsidies that the Puglia Region makes available for anyone wishing to buy a house in Salento (MiniPIA and PIA) and more generally for anyone wishing to buy a house in Puglia. Salento's growing popularity as a tourist destination makes it attractive for property investment for tourism purposes. Salento's diverse landscapes, rich cultural scene and culinary delights attract a wide range of buyers, from those seeking a quiet retreat to those who desire a lively lifestyle by the sea.

In conclusion, Salento and Lecce are not just real estate destinations; they are gateways to vibrant culture, picturesque landscapes and a relaxed Mediterranean lifestyle. Consider investing in Salento and embrace the beauty and charm of this hidden gem in southern Italy.

Masseria Salento; Masseria Otranto; Villa Gallipoli; Villa Nardò; Villa Castro.