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Non-repayable benefits for real estate investments in Salento

1. Purposes and beneficiaries

2. Financiables Iniziatives

3. Financial incentives

1. Purposes and beneficiaries


The Integrated Package of Incentives (MiniPIA) is a financial instrument provided by the Puglia Region, targetting businesses in the tourism sector that aim to expand or modernize their facilities or undertake new initiatives to enhance the historical, cultural, and landscape heritage. 

Applications for participation can be submitted from March 2024 until December 2027.

Companies of any size, including newly established ones.


The Integrated Package of Benefits (PIA) is a tool made up of different types of financing measures :

  1. ​investment in prooperties for tourist use;
  2. technological innovation and formation projects;
  3. enviromental protection;
  4. specialist consultancy and internationalisation

Applications to access to funding can be submitted from March 2024 to December 2027.

It is aimed at small, medium and large businesses

 Lecce (LE)

2. Financiables Iniziatives


The Integrated Packages concern investment programs ranging from 30,000 to 5 million euros, intended for:

  • New hotel and non-hotel tourist structures with at least 5 rooms through:

a) Extraordinary maintenance or restoration of properties with historical or artistic interest.
b) Consolida1on or restora1on of rural buildings, farmhouses, trulli, etc.
c) Recovery of abandoned buildings to be allocated for recep1on, conference, sports, cultural, and/or recreational facilities.
d) Physical and/or func1onal recovery of structures that have been constructed but not completed, intended for tourist activities.

  • - Expansion/Modernization of existing structures, as well as interven1ons to overcome architectural barriers.

The expenses related to the property (for purchase, restoration, and furnishings) cannot exceed 90% of the en1re Integrated package, which must necessarily include the following types of expenses:
- Innovation (digital, technological, strategic, organiza1onal, and management);
- Training;
- Environmental protection;
- Specialized consultancy;
- Internationalization.


The Integrated Packeges apply to investment programs of amounts between 5 milion and 40 milion €, intended for:

    • New hotel and non-hotel tourist facilities that include at least 7 rooms.

    The funds have to be invested for:

    1. Consolidation or restauration works for rural buildings, masserie, trulli, etc.
    2. Recovery of abandoned buildings to be used as accomodation, conference, sports, cultural and/or recreational facilities.
    3. Physical and/or functional recovery of structures built but not completed, intended for turist activities.
    4. Expantion/Modernization of existing structures, as well as interventions to overcome arrchitectural barriers.
    Expenses related to the property (for purchase restoration and furnishing) cannot exceed 90% of the entire integration package which must necessarily include expenses related to:

    1. Innovation Projects (digital, technological, strategic, organizational and management;
    2. Training;
    3. Environmental protection; 
    4. Specialist consultancy;
    5. Internationalisation (including trade fairs).

 Lecce (LE)
- MASSERIA!!!image857.png

3. What can you ask for 


The instrument allows to receive a non-repayable grant (provided that the company obtains financing from an affiliated bank) intended for the real estate portion, with the following rates:

- 25%-30% for large enterprises;

- 35%-40% for medium-sized enterprises;

- 45%-50% for small enterprises (with a turnover up to 10 million euros and fewer than 50 employees).

For the other types of expenses, the contribution rates are as follows:
- 50% for Innovation;
- 70% for Training;
- 55% for Environmental protec1on and energy savings from alternative sources;
- 40% for Consulting services.

In addition to the grant, the company can obtain an additional 10% facilitation in the form of a guarantee on the financing provided by the bank.


  • The financial instrument of the Apulia Region allows you to receive a non-repayable contribution intended for property investments in the following measures:

- 30% for large companies;

- 40% for medium companies ;

- 50% for small companies (with a turnover of up to 10 milion euros and less than 50 employees);

The contribution can be increased up to:

  1. ​50% technological innovation;
  2. 70% for formation
  3. 65% for enironmental protection and energy saving from alternative sources
  4. 50% for consultancy services

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Engel & Völkers
Licence Partner Salento
  • P.zza Fulgenzio della Monica, 11
    73100 Lecce (LE)
    Italy | P. Iva: 05218290756

Lun - Ven 9.00/13.00 - 14.00/18.00 Sabato e Domenica - su appuntamento

Mon - Fri 9 am/1 pm - 2 pm/6 pm Saturday and Sunday - on appointment

Mo - Fr 9.00/13.00 - 14.00/18.00 Samstag und Sonntag - nach Vereinbarung

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MiniPIA and PIA: Financing for Tourism Development in Puglia

1. Introduction
The MiniPIA and the PIA are financial instruments promoted by the Puglia Region that use EU funds to support the development of the tourism sector. Both aim to finance real estate investments, digitalisation, training, specialist consultancy and internationalisation. The MiniPIA is aimed at small businesses, while the PIA extends to businesses of all sizes.

2. Recipients and Submission Period
Both packages accept financing requests from December 2023 to December 2027. The MiniPIA is dedicated to small businesses, including newly established ones, while the PIA is aimed at small, medium and large businesses.

3. What Can You DoMiniPIA
The MiniPIA finances investment programs from 30,000 to 5 million euros for new tourist facilities, consolidation works, recovery of abandoned buildings and other activities. 90% of the financing is allocated to the property, while the rest covers innovation, training, environmental protection, consultancy and internationalization projects.

The PIA covers investments from 5 to 40 million euros for new tourist facilities, consolidation works, recovery of abandoned buildings and other interventions. Like the MiniPIA, 90% of the financing is for the property, while the remainder supports innovation, training, environmental protection, consultancy and internationalization projects.

4. What You Can GetMiniPIA
The MiniPIA offers non-repayable contributions for property expenses, with variable percentages based on the size of the company: 25%-30% for large companies, 35%-40% for medium-sized companies and 45%-50% for small companies . Other contributions are provided for technological innovation, training, environmental protection, consultancy and internationalisation.

The PIA provides non-repayable contributions, which also vary according to the size of the company: 30% for large companies, 40% for medium-sized companies and 50% for small companies. Further benefits are available for technological innovation, training, environmental protection, consultancy and internationalisation.

In both cases, companies can obtain an additional 10% relief in the form of a guarantee on the loan provided by the bank.

Investing in Salento: a unique opportunity

Salento offers not only properties for sale, but also unique investment opportunities, especially in the real estate sector. Houses for sale in Salento and houses for sale in Puglia can take advantage of the non-repayable subsidies that the Puglia Region makes available for anyone wishing to buy a house in Salento (MiniPIA and PIA) and more generally for anyone wishing to buy a house in Puglia. Salento's growing popularity as a tourist destination makes it attractive for property investment for tourism purposes. Salento's diverse landscapes, rich cultural scene and culinary delights attract a wide range of buyers, from those seeking a quiet retreat to those who desire a lively lifestyle by the sea.

In conclusion, Salento and Lecce are not just real estate destinations; they are gateways to vibrant culture, picturesque landscapes and a relaxed Mediterranean lifestyle. Consider investing in Salento and embrace the beauty and charm of this hidden gem in southern Italy.

Masseria Salento; Masseria Otranto; Villa Gallipoli; Villa Nardò; Villa Castro.