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Engel & Völkers Licence Partner Salento > Historical buildings in Salento

Historical buildings in Salento

Discover our historical buildings: Historical Buildings in the Historical center of Lecce and in the Historical centers of Salento.

Salento is a region of Apulia, located in south-eastern Italy, that shines with its rich history and culture. One of its most emblematic features are the historical buildings that dot the landscape, tangible evidence of the glorious past and art that have sculpted this land over the centuries.

We begin with one of the most fascinating cities in Salento, Lecce, known as the 'Florence of the South' for its extraordinary Baroque beauty. In the heart of Lecce's historic centre, stands the majestic Palazzo Morelli, an authentic masterpiece of Lecce Baroque architecture. Built in the 17th century, the building is a veritable triumph of decorative details. The façade is adorned with volutes, 'Putti', masks and flowers carved in the characteristic Lecce's stone. The stone, a warm golden colour, catches the light in a magical way and gives the building a unique atmosphere. Palazzo Morelli is a symbol of the opulence and Baroque art that characterises the city of Lecce.

Next to Palazzo Morelli is the striking Palazzo Perrone, also an extraordinary example of Baroque architecture. Its façade, a riot of elaborate detailing, features sculpted masks, finely crafted wrought-iron balconies and artistic cornices. The Palazzo Perrone is a testament to 16th century art and enchants visitors with its timeless beauty.

In addition to Lecce, other towns and villages in Salento boast priceless historical buildings.
Copertino, a picturesque Salento village, is home to the Palazzo Strafella, an example of Renaissance architecture. Built in the 17th century, the building features a Lecce stone façade decorated with arches, wrought-iron balconies and unique decorative details. This historic building offers an intriguing insight into the grandeur of Copertino's past.

In addition to the buildings from different eras, the gardens and inner courtyards that often surround these historic buildings add to their charm and beauty.The historical buildings have often undergone careful restoration, preserving their original appearance and making them accessible to visitors, allowing them to immerse themselves in the history and art of Salento.

The historic buildings represent an important cultural heritage reflecting the rich history and art of this region by the sea. Each building tells a unique story, from the days of medieval fortifications to the magnificence of the Baroque period, allowing visitors to appreciate the art and architecture that have shaped Salento over the centuries.

A visit to the historical buildings of Salento is an extraordinary experience that allows you to immerse yourself in the past and discover the soul of this region.
Each building offers a window into the history and culture of the Salento, inviting visitors to explore past eras and the works of art that have been an integral part of them.The architecture and art of Salento's historical buildings are testimonies of craftsmanship and creativity, and are a tribute to the talents of the architects and craftsmen who designed and built them over the centuries. Lecce's stone, with its golden colour and versatility, played an essential role in the creation of these architectural masterpieces. In conclusion, historical buildings such as Palazzo Morelli, Palazzo Perrone in Lecce and Palazzo Strafella in Copertino and many others are authentic architectural treasures of the Salento. Every detail carved in stone and every decorative ornament tells a millennial story, inviting visitors to explore and discover the cultural heritage of this extraordinary region. Visiting these places is an experience that will captivate you, taking you back in time and showing you the timeless beauty of the Salento, a region that reflects the grandeur of its past and the enchantment of its present.

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Engel & Völkers
Licence Partner Salento

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The ancient Buildings in the historic centre of Lecce and in the old towns of Salento represent a cultural and architectural heritage of considerable importance. These fascinating buildings testify to the rich history of the region and the skill of local craftsmen over the centuries.
Lecce, known as the 'Florence of the South' or the 'Florence of Baroque', is famous for its Baroque architecture and its buildings are a fundamental element of this tradition. These architectural works of art are concentrated in the historical centre, a labyrinth of paved streets and cobbled squares, where the Lecce Baroque reaches the height of its splendour. The material most commonly used for these buildings is Lecce's stone, a local limestone, which gives them a warm, golden atmosphere.
One of the most iconic examples is the Palazzo dei Celestini, a 17th century masterpiece that combines Baroque art with Gothic and Renaissance elements. The building features an elaborate façade with finely carved details and an inner courtyard ornamented with wrought-iron columns and balconies. The opulence of this building represents the luxury and grandeur typical of the Baroque period.

Another notable example is the Palazzo Vernazza, characterised by a complex façade with fluted columns, floral decorations and statues.The building now houses the Faggiano Museum, which offers an overview of the city's history through archaeological finds discovered during restoration work.The historic centres of Salento are dotted with similar architectural gems.For example, the historic centre of Gallipoli is home to the Palazzo Granafei-Nervegna, a Renaissance building with a façade decorated with wrought-iron balconies and Baroque motifs.In Otranto, the 15th century Aragonese Castle stands as a majestic fortress combining military and residential architecture.In the historical centre of Nardò, the Palazzo del Principe is a stately home built in the 16th century with Gothic and Renaissance influences.This building has an imposing façade with a decorated portal and a frescoed inner courtyard.
The ancient buildings of the Salento bear witness to the region's past prosperity and cultural richness. Through the centuries, they have undergone restoration and transformation, but still retain much of their original beauty. These buildings are an extraordinary testimony to the talent of the architects and artists who worked in this region, contributing to the creation of a unique heritage.

 Today, these buildings are admired by visitors from all over the world and continue to play a significant role in the cultural and tourist life of Salento    

Investing in Salento: A Unique Opportunity

Salento offers not only properties for sale, but also unique investment opportunities, especially in the real estate sector. Houses for sale in Salento and houses for sale in Apulia can take advantage of the non-repayable subsidies that the Apulia Region makes available for anyone wishing to buy a house in Salento (MiniPIA and PIA) and more generally for anyone wishing to buy a house in Apulia. Salento's diverse landscapes, rich cultural scene and culinary delights attract a wide range of buyers, from those seeking a quiet retreat to those who desire a lively lifestyle by the sea.
In conclusion, Salento and Lecce are not just real estate destinations; they are gateways to vibrant culture, picturesque landscapes and a relaxed Mediterranean lifestyle. Consider investing in Salento and embrace the beauty and charm of this hidden gem in southern Italy.

Masseria Salento; Masseria Otranto; Villa Gallipoli; Villa Nardò; Villa Castro.