Opening hours:
Monday to Friday: 10h - 14h y 16h - 20h
Saturday Closed
An urban residential street in Zona Campolongo, Rúa Joaquín Costa boasts of wide sidewalks paved with small red tiles, a designated lane for parking, and multiple trees lining the street’s entire length. Situated towards the end of the street, before reaching the rotunda, there is a large open area with lawns, a fountain and benches. Tall apartment blocks with gray or beige stucco walls and paned windows offer modern and functional accommodations that best-suit singles, couples and small families. Rúa Joaquín Costa is for individuals who prefer a place just outside the city center, with adequate amenities, and lots of green spaces to unwind in or pursue an active lifestyle.
Amenities and Services Nearby
Schools: EscuelaUniversitaria De Enfermería Pontevedra, MayeusisConservatorio Pontevedra
Restaurants: Entremigas Restaurante, Tenorio Restaurante
Medical Centers: Hospital Provincial ConsultasExternas, Hospital Provincial de Pontevedra UrxenciasMaterno–Infantís
Stores: Loft Confort (Furniture Store), Servicopi Bookstore
Opening hours:
Monday to Friday: 10h - 14h y 16h - 20h
Saturday Closed