
Declaration of data protection

By using our website, you expressly consent to the storage and use of your data described in this statement. Your data will be used for the purposes described below.

IP Addresses

IP addresses are required for problem diagnoses, site administration and demographic information. When you visit our website, we only recognize your domain name, not your email address. We only see your email address if you provide it to us directly by filling out a form or sending an email.


Cookies are used to create personalized content, and to avoid repeatedly entering passwords or to adjust the information provision to user behavior

User registration

Our website contains forms that you can fill out to request information. When you sign up, we will forward the requested information.

Email address

If you provide us with your email address, we will communicate with you via email. We do not pass on your email address to third parties who do not conduct business under the name Engel & Völkers Commercial. If you no longer wish to receive emails from us, you can revoke your consent at any time.

Links to partners

Our website has links to other websites from third party providers. Engel & Völkers Commercial is not responsible for data protection measures or content on websites other than Engel & Völkers Commercial's own website. WE therefore refer to the specific third party provider's website and its terms.

Unsubscribe from newsletters etc.

If you no longer wish to receive emails from Engel & Völkers Commercial, you can revoke your consent at any time. Email notification is sufficient to be deleted from the email list and website registry.

Google Analytics

We have partnered with Google Analytics, which processes your IP address to generate statistics about the use of our website. Google Analytics processes the information on our behalf and may not use the information for any other purpose.

Social Media

Engel and Völkers Commercial are on Facebook and LinkedIn, and we therefore process information about the information that you have made available on Facebook and LinkedIn, your reactions, comments and any shares of our postings.

The legal basis is the nature of the Data Protection Regulation. 6 pieces. 1, letter f, as the processing of your personal information takes place for the purpose of our marketing on Facebook and LinkedIn to the users who follow us on mentioned media.

The information will be deleted when the posting is deleted or when you withdraw your reaction to our posting.

Your rights

According to the Data Protection Regulation, you have a number of rights in relation to the processing of your personal data.

You have the right to access, the right to object to the processing, the right to have information corrected, deleted or blocked that turns out to be incorrect or misleading or similarly processed in violation of the law.

You can read more about your rights in the Danish Data Protection Agency's guide to the data subjects' rights, which you can find at www.datatilsynet.dk.

Information and questions

DKEV P/S, which operates under the name

Engel & Völkers Commercial

Amaliegade 33B, 2.sal

DK-1256 København K

CVR no. 41520841

Phone: 28 10 52 53

Or send an e-mail to: mikkel.soeby@engelvoelkers.com