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Industrial real estate for sale in Colombia Vereda Isla, Ceuta, Cundinamarca, Colombia
Bodega para venta en Siberia COP 18,000,000,000
~ €4,027,535
15 Bathrooms 6,159 m² Living area 4,800 m² Plot surface Bodega para venta en Siberia
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Barrios Unidos, Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia
Local Bodega Lote en la Merced Norte COP 2,200,000,000
~ €492,254
4 Bathrooms 258 m² Living area 386 m² Plot surface Local Bodega Lote en la Merced Norte
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Barrios Unidos, Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia
Bodega con locales en Andes frente a CC Iserra 100 COP 8,000,000,000
~ €1,790,015
7 Bathrooms 1,400 m² Living area 1,184 m² Plot surface Bodega con locales en Andes frente a CC Iserra 100
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Funza, Cundinamarca, Colombia
Bodega para venta en Siberia Calle 80 COP 20,251,973,000
~ €4,531,418
15 Bathrooms 8,418 m² Living area 8,400 m² Plot surface Bodega para venta en Siberia Calle 80
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Mosquera, Cundinamarca, Colombia
Bodega para venta en Mosquera COP 10,100,000,000
~ €2,259,895
6 Bathrooms 5,034 m² Living area 4,290 m² Plot surface Bodega para venta en Mosquera
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Suba, Bogotá, Bogota, Colombia
Se vende bodega-hangar en Guaymaral COP 20,000,000,000
~ €4,475,039
10 Bathrooms 3,600 m² Living area 10,200 m² Plot surface Se vende bodega-hangar en Guaymaral
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